Guy’s Cliffe Walled Garden Trust      :       Email:

The smart new paths Making temporary bridges over the new paths Progress on the southern border for the soft fruit area Planting the fruit Planting the mulberry tree Constructing the strawberry bed Smart new paths Year 1 Emscote Infant School planting beans Fan training Our smart new paths Preparing beds for planting The strawberry bed completed and planted Official opening of the paths

2017  - 4th year progress

Next pageBack to topVolunteers at workPotting onvolunteers at workOur sunflower having an identity crisisEaster open dayBBC Gardeners' World filming in the Walled Garden 2017Some of or volunteers at the path opening April 2017the new fruit bedplanting beansVolunteers at workthe salad bed

Photos of the early days - the first 5 years

2014 2015 2016 2018